March 17, 2004
Did you vote?

Today was the day to vote in Illinois. I did my civic duty, even though the Presidential nomination race has already been rapped up in most of the U.S. Our primary is so late, it almost makes you think that your vote doesn't matter.

In my district, there was a referendum for an increased tax for the local school district. The school board is threatening to close the school at 5 p.m. and discontinue all sports. I don't take well to threats. And I don't like it when a school district holds the students hostage in order to pass their referendums. There are other options available if the referendum does not pass. One option is to elect new board members the next time there is an election. After this referendum, I may run for the board. And I intend to encourage others to run as well. Like I said, I don't take well to threats.

Posted by TimK at 01:15 AM | Comments (34)
October 21, 2003
People still drink and drive?!

On the way to school tonight, I was stopped at a stop light next to this silver car. The woman in the car took a drink from a brown bottle. I was immediately struck with shock. With all of the publicity of MADD and the drunk driving laws and their penalties, I just couldn't believe that people still drink and drive.

Besides being shocked, I was angry. If she hadn't turned when the light turned green, I would have used my cell phone to call 911. There is no excuse for drinking alcohol while you are driving. Besides being against the law, it's just plain stupid. No one should drive while they are intoxicated or getting intoxicated. If they do, they should be caught and sent to prison. Period.

I'm sorry that I didn't get her license plate number. Next time, I'll get out of my truck and write down her number.

Posted by TimK at 12:57 AM | Comments (41)
September 27, 2003
Freedom of Speech? Says who?

The national Do Not Call list has been put on hold by a judge that says it violates the telemarketers freedom of speech. Since when does the freedom of speech provision allow someone to barge into a private home to relay their message? As 51 million Americans have chosen to say, telemarketing calls are an invasion of privacy. At the very least, we should be able to opt out of receiving these unrequested phone calls.

Personally, I think that the national Do Not Call registry does not go far enough. The registry allows charities, pollsters and politicians to still call you. I think they should be included in the ban. Or, at the very least, create another registry so people can opt out of these allowed calls. I'll be the first to sign up for that registry. If I want to give money to a charity, I'll find them.

I have a phone for my personal use. I don't call these people, and I've never asked them to call me. It's the same with my e-mail accounts. Once Congress listens to the people and does something to save the Do Not Call registry, they should follow up with legislation to prevent unwanted spam. It's a nuisance that no one should have to put up with. And it's about damn time someone does something about it.

Posted by TimK at 02:19 AM | Comments (56)
Welcome to TRB Viewpoint

Welcome to my new blog. Here I will be able to share my unique views and opinions. I hope you will visit often. And, please, feel free to comment on anything I have written. Again, welcome.

Posted by TimK at 02:06 AM | Comments (55)