October 21, 2003
People still drink and drive?!

On the way to school tonight, I was stopped at a stop light next to this silver car. The woman in the car took a drink from a brown bottle. I was immediately struck with shock. With all of the publicity of MADD and the drunk driving laws and their penalties, I just couldn't believe that people still drink and drive.

Besides being shocked, I was angry. If she hadn't turned when the light turned green, I would have used my cell phone to call 911. There is no excuse for drinking alcohol while you are driving. Besides being against the law, it's just plain stupid. No one should drive while they are intoxicated or getting intoxicated. If they do, they should be caught and sent to prison. Period.

I'm sorry that I didn't get her license plate number. Next time, I'll get out of my truck and write down her number.

Posted by TimK at October 21, 2003 12:57 AM

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