
Table of Contents

  1. Why is this called "The Righter's Box?"
  2. What are you doing now?
  3. Computers, radio or writing...which one?
  4. What are your hobbies?


Why is this called "The Righter's Box?"

I had a column in high school called "The Righter's Box."  It was called that because I was an aspiring writer and I tended to want to do the right thing.  It ended up focusing more on the students and what they were doing.  I thought I would resurrect it on the web and see where it takes me. 

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What are you doing now?

I'm currently a stay-at-home-dad (SAHD), watching over my two 6-month old daughters, Lillian & Grace.  I looked for work until my daughters were born, and I still look occasionally.  But with the current unemployment rate in Rockford, there is not much out there in the computer fields.

I'm also taking a web design class at Rock Valley College this semester.  I'm really enjoying learning how to make web pages.  Plus, it gives me the opportunity to get out of the house a couple of times a week.

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Computers, radio or writing...which one?

I've done all three over the years.  And I still enjoy all three.  I'm currently pursuing the computer field because I feel I have a talent for it.  It's a field that has a lot of opportunities and potential.  I'm sure I can find my niche somewhere in this vast field.

Currently, I'm pursuing A+ and MCSE certification.

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What are your hobbies?

I spend a lot of time learning new things on my computer.  I love animals, and own two dogs and eight cats.  And, I collect comic books.  My collection consists of approximately 10,000 comic books.

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E-mail your questions to me.

Copyright © 2002, 2003 TSK!  All rights reserved.
Revised: September 30, 2003 .